Wilshire Boulevard Temple
Completion: 2013
Los Angeles, California
61,000 square feet
The Sanctuary was restored including all
original historic finishes, fixtures, and seating.
There was significant deterioration of the
plaster dome in the Sanctuary. Efflorescence
was notable. These deficiencies were repaired
and the Sanctuary has been seismically
upgraded to include new shear walls and roof
reinforcing. New HVAC systems are served
through the underfloor plenum and audio visual
cameras mounted from the balcony position,
and choir loft. Acoustic considerations have
guided the infrastructure design. Speakers and
lighting have been installed in niches to mitigate
their visual impact on the historic space. The
historic light fixtures have been restored as
well as the art glass windows. The Bimah has
been sympathetically altered to provide for both
accessibility and functionality for the Temple